Haunted Air

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Photography by Ossian Brown

Who? Ossian Brown. What? A spine-chilling collection of anonymous Hallowe’en photographs from America, c.1875 – 1955, appropriately introduced by David Lynch, and written by Ossian Brown. Sure to give you goosebumps, way beyond 31st October. Why?

Who? Ossian Brown.

A spine-chilling collection of anonymous Halloween photographs from America, c.1875 – 1955, appropriately introduced by David Lynch, and written by Ossian Brown. Sure to give you goosebumps, way beyond 31st October.

Despite being a more light-hearted celebration today, the roots of Halloween lie in the more sinister ancient Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints’ Day – the eve when it was thought that evil spirits were most likely pass through. Through an extraordinary and eerie set of photographs Haunted Air provides a glimpse into the traditions of this macabre festival from ages past when people attempted to ward off wicked phantoms through masked and outlandish costumes, burning fires and begging for "soul cakes" in exchange for prayers.

Where? Haunted Air by Ossian Brown is published by Jonathan Cape on 28th October.

Text by Lucia Davies