Editors as Kids

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AnOther Magazine & Another Man editor in chief Jefferson Hac
AnOther Magazine & Another Man editor in chief Jefferson Hac

Our latest Happy Monday delves into the hazily sun-lit pasts of the AnOther and Another Man editors, who have each provided us with a favourite childhood photograph to spread some bank holiday cheer...

In past Happy Monday posts, we've cooed over pictures of our favourite models as kids, complete with gappy teeth and novelty sweaters, and smiled fondly at a bowl-cut, floral-shirted Brad Pitt in knowing anticipation of what he would become. But this time around we're sticking closer to home, delving instead into the hazily sun-lit pasts of the AnOther and Another Man editors, who have each provided us with a favourite childhood photograph to spread some bank holiday cheer.

Happy Monday! #anotherhappymonday