The Art of Snow

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California Snowdome
California SnowdomeCourtesy of LA Times

No sign as yet, but for our festive Good Things, we look to the skies for some snowy inspiration

We like our snow deep, crisp and even but sometimes we just have to make do with the virtual variety. For this week's festive Good Things, we deliver a light sprinkling of the fun white stuff.

Printed in 1863, Snow Flakes: A Chapter from the Book of Nature is a beautiful ode to the endless geometry of the snowflake.

The LA Times recently featured 50 snow domes, one for each state of the US, and they are all animated. Kitschmas has come early! 

What to get the person who has everything? Canadian designer Maskull Lassere created a series of shoes with which you can make animal footprints in the snow. 

Snowmen made of snow are so old hat, so this year we’re opting for a disco ball version. Like this one by Kristina Solomoukha.

Snow often features in Japanese paintings and woodblock prints. Our favourite examples of these are in the work of Settai Komura, made in the 1920s and 30s though certainly ahead of their time.

If you thought snow couldn’t get any prettier then think again. Sonja Hinrichsen, and a grow of volunteers, trample intricate patterns into the pristine white canvases of snowy fields.

Matthias Heiderich never fails to make us happy. His series of snow photos are so calming they almost muffle the sounds around you.

Snow & confetti! What’s not to love. Take to the slopes and enjoy the work of Sebastiaan Bremer.