Model Debut: Franzi Mueller

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Franzo Mueller at Prada A/W12
Franzo Mueller at Prada A/W12

Twenty-year-old Franzi Mueller was first advised by a schoolfriend to become a model but, committed to completing her studies, she waited until she had finished school before pursuing the career...

Twenty-year-old Berlin-born Franzi Mueller was first advised by a school friend to become a model. Committed to completing her studies, she waited to finish school before pursuing a career in modelling. She opened the Calvin Klein A/W12 show earlier this year and the rest, as they say, is fashion history fast forward four fashion weeks, an impressive 31 shows including McQ, Prada, Céline, Yves Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton and Erdem (which she opened and closed) and she is set to be one of the most sought-after faces of 2012. AnOther caught up with Franzi to find out what she'll be wearing this summer.

What is your favourite look that you have walked in this season?
There were too many nice clothes but if I had to pick my favourite, that would be my Valentino dresses on the show.

Do you have a favourite item of clothing?
I love my biker boots and wide cropped T-shirts.

What is your favourite trend for summer?
I’ve got no particular trend I love wearing typical summery clothes like dresses, shorts and mini-skirts.

What is your favourite song right now?
I’ve been listening to Sideways by Citizen Cope a lot recently.

"I love Paris! It’s a beautiful, relaxed place to be and reminds me of Berlin"

What is your favourite city that you have visited recently and why?
Besides my hometown Berlin, I love Paris! It’s a beautiful, relaxed place to be and reminds me of Berlin. I especially love the little cafés all over the city.

What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My mum – when she told me on the phone how excited she is about me coming home!

If you weren't modelling right now what would you be doing?
Study! And definetely will do in the future!

Franzi Mueller is at IMG Models

Text by Mhairi Graham