If Ladybird illustrations could talk today, Peter and Jane would like their toys less gender specific and their shoes Jimmy Choos, while please Sir, Oliver Twist would prefer his gruel with a dash of Sicilian truffle oil. In celebration of the Ladybird Books' centennial earlier in the year, the iconic publishing house paired up with card company Kiss Me Kwik to put a humorous satitircal spin on the marvellously dated, but still aesthetically briliant illustrations that introduced many 70s kids to their first forms of art. A book depicting a family on the beach, including a smiling, Speedo-sporting father, is re-titled "The Ladybird Book of Hot Dads", while a picture of Cinderella and her Ugly Sisters, decked in ballgowns, reads "Cinderella's brothers looked FABULOUS". These have made us chuckle, and we hope they make you do the same.
Happy Monday! #anotherhappymonday