Who's Happening: Meet Model Musician Jake Lucas

In this five-part series, Another Man charts the maverick talents that are shaping the creative landscape. First up, Jake Lucas – runway star and lead guitarist of grunge-pop band INHEAVEN – talks groupies and gigging

Describe your music in three words…
Dreamy, punk, pop. But don’t think of us as ‘punk pop’, you need to break those words up!

Was music always your calling?
Yes, I moved to London from a tiny Norfolk village when I was 16, by myself, to make it happen. The plan was always music.

Did you have music lessons as a kid?
My tenth birthday present was a guitar and a lesson, but I’m mostly self-taught.

Growing up, what records were playing in the house?
The Only Ones. Neil Young. Bob Dylan. My first concert was a James Taylor sit-down-in-the-park event.

What’s the best gig you’ve played so far?
London Calling Festival in Amsterdam. The room was so full they stopped letting people in and there was so much smoke on the stage we couldn’t see anything for the whole show – one of us fell over our pedal board.

Do you have any groupies yet?
No, but there’s been online fan-mail asking me to cut my hair off!

How important is style to music?
They’re both part of the same expression, but I couldn’t imagine looking any different than I do – no matter what the music.

Describe your style…
Seventies, my favourite era – punk attitude and disco vibes!

Who is your style icon?
John Lennon, for sure. I love Nicolas Cage in Wild at Heart, but he’s gone a bit bonkers now.

What song do you wish you’d written?
The Cramps’ Surfin’ Bird.

This article appears in the S/S16 issue of Another Man.

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