The Transportive Potential of a Faliero Sarti Scarf

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Cartographic neckwear might be the perfect solution for those seeking to satisfy their wanderlust without moving an inch

TextHannah TindlePhotographyMax CornwallPhotographic EditorHolly Hay

Map-print Scarf, Faliero Sarti

Silk blend, 140cm x 175cm

Upon her death in 1926, famous writer, explorer and archaeologist Gertrude Bell, who travelled extensively through Mesopotamia during the early 20th century, was remembered in an obituary: “No woman in recent time has combined her qualities – her taste for arduous and dangerous adventure,” it exclaimed. As Bell found, returning again and again to discover and map the likes of Asia Minor, Greater Syria and Arabia throughout her life, once one has developed an addiction to regular excursions it can be difficult to quiet the desire to escape the hundrum of rhythm of day-to-day life. Escaping, however, is not always possible.

Those of us currently unable to satisfy a desire for travel via travel itself might want to consider an alternative release. There are flights to book, a plethora of documentaries to peruse, or boxes full of old holiday snaps to sort through for those with a more nostalgic appetite. When all else fails, though, using the power of imagination to transport yourself to a faraway land isn't such a bad option. Faliero Sarti's map-print scarf presents an ideal alternative – a super soft silk-blend swathe of far-off lands and locations allowing you literally to cocoon yourself in geography, hushing the urge to hop on a flight until a later and more opportune moment arises. Bon voyage!