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AnOther's Bespoke Astro-Tarot Forecasts

Can the cosmos offer guidance in forming meaningful connections – subconscious or otherwise? Artist and Tarot reader Louise Androlia deals a custom hand for each zodiac sign...

The ancient art of Tarot serves as an empowering form of self-help. Each card brings forth a perfect reflection of our subconscious, inviting us to connect to ourselves and our role in the world on a deeper and more expansive level. Because there is nothing more sensual than self-awareness, this month – in honour of AnOther's exploration of #ModernIntimacy – I have tuned into the themes of sex, love and relationships, offering Astro-Tarot forecasts for the month ahead.

Aries: The Ten of Pentacles 
This month you'll find yourself yearning for both brains and brilliance. You tend to get bored when your creative self isn’t being stretched, so, if you can't be with company that wills you to be your best and most inspired self, then it’s better to fly solo. However, be careful to not indulge by putting yourself on a pedestal, this is not about being better than anyone else, more so about honoring what fuels your mojo.
Single? Let go of all those past ‘not quite available’ crushes and love interests. Committing to serious self-worth will connect you to your core magnetism.
Occupied? Don’t rule out your potential to create work together – how do you feel about the term ‘Power Couple’?

Taurus: The Three of Cups 
As a perpetually high achiever, it’s easy for you to get stuck in perfectionist mode – placing the greatest emphasis on your career. But this month connection is everything. This is your free pass to take the pressure off and be unapologetic about rediscovering not only what you find fun, but also what ignites you to feel. Feelings are seductive, after all. 
Single? If a Greek god were to call, it would be Dionysus and he would be inviting you to a party. If you can’t get behind branching out into the social scene, then at the very least, get happy with some sexual DIY.
Occupied? Stowe away your laptops and prioritise playfulness this month.

Gemini: The Eight of Wands 
Communication is everything over the coming weeks, so, make a choice to always respond rather than react, especially around loved ones. Communicating with a side order of compassion is likely to bring in positive connections and romantic victories. Oh, and don’t try to solve a communication crisis over text.
Single? Now is the time to consider signing up and swiping right. Raya, Tinder, you know the deal. Get out of your comfort zone, even just as a social experiment.
Occupied? The fire element at its lower level is anger, frustration and self-sabotage. At it’s highest, it is sex, passion and life force. You know what to do.

Cancer: Judgement 
It’s all change on the personal empowerment front over the coming weeks, as you are being ushered back into your most confident self. So, if you’ve felt like other people have been draining your life force, then you have to be the one to claim it back! Own your voice, speak your mind and honour your feelings.
Single? Just because something is new, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. And just because something is familiar it doesn’t mean it’s good. Cut the ties on tired romantic habits, you’re going to need that space for a serious ‘outerbody’ experience.
Occupied? True love and soulful connections are not supposed to include losing pieces of yourself. You are a whole person, not a half. Rise up and rediscover your love affair with yourself.

Leo: The Moon
There is a big difference between intuition and suspicion, and sometimes a ‘gut’ feeling is actually paranoia that overwhelms due to residue from old heartache. The coming weeks hold a lot of magic; so remember that the past is not a blueprint for the future and forgiveness for what has been and gone is a powerful act of self-love.
Single? This is the perfect time to hide out and get ritualistic. Write on paper, not what or whom you want, but how you want to feel within your next romantic encounter. Feelings are a direct link to your intuition.
Occupied? Trust issues? Before taking guesses or projecting blame, meditate on it – aka work on trusting yourself first and then you’ll know exactly what feels real and true.

Virgo: Four of Pentacles 
Ego-based manipulation is never alluring, and trying to force someone into the opinion that you wish for them to have of you can be exhausting. Instead of trying to control everyone around you, why not just focus on being you? Get reacquainted with who you are, not what you think you need to be.
Single? The future is none of your business and obsessing about the object of your desires won’t bring him or her closer, in fact energetically, it can be repellant. Surrender the outcome and trust the process.
Occupied? Masculine and feminine energy is fun to play with. Explore where you both feel your dominance is, then practice switching it up. Remember, vulnerability is a superpower.

Libra: Ten of Swords
Perception is everything, and your current view on both your sexual and love sphere is based entirely on what you’ve learned in your life so far. Fear is real, but it can be processed and unlearned. Over the coming weeks, check in with what blocks you from receiving love in its fullest form. A deep dive into your shadows is tough but will always unearth gold.
Single? Life is a series of cycles and you are right at the end of a chapter within your love life. In order to move forwards, it’s time to choose hope over hopeless. Clarity arises from self-compassion.
Occupied? Life is never going to be exempt from stressors but you can choose not to project them onto the person you are laying next to. Change is good and en route.

Scorpio: Three of Wands 
They say that our energy is made up of the five people we spend the most time with. What does this say about yours? Collaborate and play with those who light you up and you’ll find that your powers of attraction suddenly go into overdrive. Also, never forget that how you treat yourself will always reflect back in how others treat you. Self-care isn't a luxury, it’s essential.
Single? This is a time for exploration of your sexuality. How well do you know your root chakra? It’s time to reignite your trust in your body. Pleasure should never feel guilty.
Occupied? How connected do you feel to your core sexual desires? Let pleasure rule. They say three’s a crowd, or is it...?

Sagittarius: Justice
It’s natural to feel out of alignment with your own body and spirit, but equally, it’s possible to return home. If you feel disconnected from your love life then perhaps you haven’t been giving it enough attention? Yes, career and health are important, but so are the heart and soul. 
Single? The art of giving and receiving is important in matters of the heart (and the body) – and you deserve to experience both. If you are always giving, you'll end up feeling either neglected or resentful. It’s time to call back your power.
Occupied? It’s easy to throw blame, rather than have an honest conversation. Compassionate truth telling will ignite a deeper connection, so, be brave enough to try it.

Capricorn: The World
You are experiencing a period of change in matters of the heart, and a respect for life and its cycles will always help when in a space that feels almost too new. Know that you aren’t supposed to know what the future looks like and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Single? If you’ve been feeling non-committal in romance recently, remember that no one can steal your time from you and there is space for work and play. New faces have noticed you and you won’t want to miss them.
Occupied? A change of scenery feels like a good call. Can you both get away for a retreat? If so, pack your bags and head for the hills. 

Aquarius: The Chariot 
Time to pay more attention to your sexuality, and I mean this in a more soulful way than just noting when you want to undress. Get to know yourself, and figure out what it is you really need and want. 
Single? Destiny is your partner in crime and if you are feeling like the victim of your circumstances then it’s because you forgot to participate. It might be time to pursue a connection that has felt good for a long time.
In a relationship? It might feel like things are moving fast and provoking your desire to run away. The present moment is your new therapist, pause the panic button and trust your own feelings.

Pisces: The Emporer 
You can be your own worst enemy and your ego loves to come and cause chaos in your relationships. How about truly showing up and getting to know your own personal fears and restrictions around love? This intimidating but positive exploration will free you to connect more deeply with others, and will feel insanely liberating on a personal level.
Single? Does a ‘type’ really exist? Is your relationship with your father really a contributor to the person you are attracted to? Who are you going to end up with? Only time will tell, but you won’t feel enlightened if you stay in your comfort zone.
Occupied? Remember that a relationship isn’t supposed to be about winning or losing – more so about mutual respect. Avoid putting up walls and allow yourself to be loved and seen as you are.