Art Lies: Surrealist Air Collages

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Courtesy of Lorenzo Castellini's Instagram account @art.lies

This Happy Monday we discover the artists having an unexpectedly raucous time on the streets of São Paulo

Picasso once said that “art is a lie that tells the truth”, a mantra for Brazilian-born Lorenzo Castellini, who less than a month ago decided to turn his appreciation for art into a project aimed to make people laugh – little did he know that his humble idea would translate into a successful Instagram account. Entitled Great Masters Having Great Times, his work is somewhat reminiscent of that of previous Happy Monday favourite @mydaywithleo, but with an artistic twist. Wandering the streets of São Paulo, Castellini has come across the most intriguing characters, from a Van Gogh chef to a rabbi with a Magritte's apple for a face; he’s even spotted Federico da Montefeltro busy on his iPhone and Dürer quenching his thirst with a Coke. These comical, at times surreal, air collages have brought a smile to our day, so here we present our picks with the hope to make your Monday a little less grungy.

Happy (Bank Holiday) Monday! #anotherhappymonday